Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Three Muses: Fish

Living in a gold fish bowl.


indybev said...

Free at last, Free at last, Thank God I'm free at last! Well done, Glenys!

Deann said...

Extraordinary...unique and lovely. Wonderful work Glenys...love it!!!

Kaylene said...

Glenys, just love it you are going to have to show me how you did this.

Judy said...

..or 'The one that got away!' fantastic interpretation, Glenys, definitely 'out of this world!'

Jayne said...

WOW this is just FAB!!

peggy gatto said...

Out of this world!!!!!!!

Gayle Page-Robak said...

So beautiful, love the water movement.

Pat said...

Uour art is always original and unique!! Love this one, escape from the world...
THe effect is fantastic

Linda Gibbons said...

Very striking image, Glenys. I Love it.

Junibears said...

WoW! Great work Glenys! xx

Taluula said...

Oh wow, so full of energy and movement AND fun. You have created a fantastic effect my friend.

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Great work, love how you've incorporated the earth in the goldfish bowl.

Daphne said...

So much fun, how you used the earth in this project!

Rosie said...

Very creatively done Glenys! =)

Christine said...

Wow, Glenys, simple, effective, perfect.

RPLancaster said...

This was a really fine collage. Your goldfish is beautiful and having the earth in the goldfish bowl was a genius touch.


Asas à imaginação said...

Olá, Glenys!
Meu nome é Marlei e sou do Brasil.Li no seu perfil que você vem ao Brasil devido seu trabalho com fibras texteis...maravilha!
Sua arte é estupenda, me encantou!
Sigo você agora e estarei sempre aqui apreciando sua obra, me inspirando e aprendendo.
Quero conhecer o Obsessions Collage e talvez começar a participar, mesmo não sabendo lidar com o Photoshop...quem sabe eu aprendo!
Quero conhecer também o As três musas...gosto de participar de desafios pois é sempre oportunidade de aprender e de criar.
Um grande abraço